Accepting new students!

This is just a quick notification to let everyone know that we are still accepting new students.

The booking widget has some unfortunate wording that I cannot edit that suggests we are not. If you read just above it, you will see that new students must contact the studio directly, no exceptions. We have had an influx of new people and vacationers who try to just drop in to a class, which we have never allowed, even though our policy is very clearly stated.

As always, if you are local, once you have completed three private sessions and show you can demonstrate basic understanding of Pilates principles , and can do so safely, we will lift your restrictions to classes, and you’re welcome to sign up online.

Non-locals will be limited to private sessions only.

I hope that vlears up the confusion!

Yes, we are open!

No matter what google tells you!

For some reason, every time I visit our Google Business page, it keeps listing us a permanently closed. I edit it to assure them we are open, and I go back later, and it lists me as closed again. I don’t know why. We are here, and we are working! I’d never abandon you!


Why don't I allow class drop-ins?

I get this request frequently, and my answer is always no.

But why?

Well, there are many reasons.

First of all, it is unsafe to let any student into a group setting where the teacher is unaware of the student’s ability. You might be able to do back flips, or you might not even be able to sit up off the mat. You may not even be aware of your abilities, and that is how injury can occur. I need to know your limitations, areas of opportunity, and ways you excel before letting you loose in class.

Secondly, people learn Pilates from all over the place, and not all of it is actually Pilates. Unfortunately, there are many businesses out there peddling exercises branded as Pilates, but they don’t teach any of the the basic principles Pilates is founded on. I don’t expect my students to know the difference, but I have to make sure I teach them the correct way, and not just assume they know.

Third, Pilates is all about learning and memory, and repeating the fundamentals and principles within yourself as you exercise… all while keeping up with the class. If you’re brand new to Pilates (or even if you just haven’t done it for a while), and you try to cold-turkey your way into a class, your going to slow the class down to a near halt. You’re probably not going to know how to properly breathe, or engage muscles, or even understand the basic wording I will use to quickly move through exercises.

Fourth, and most importantly is injury, injury, injury! Drop-in group classes are the number one way people hurt themselves. I frequently hear from new students that they had injured themselves in the past because they dropped in on a group class without knowing any better. Why is it so common? Because the teacher is busy watching lots of students, and doesn’t have time to correct them all in the few reps Pilates entails. Students might be told they can modify, but most of them are unaware if they should or how to do it properly. On top of that, many students are competitive, and will work outside their ability to keep up with someone else who is more advanced, even if they are in agony doing it.

It’s always hard denying new students into classes, however once they get through the required private sessions, they understand why that one-on-one time is so important. You really need to learn the basics, the cues, how your body works, and how it all should work together. And I need to learn how your body responds so I can be aware of how you will work in a class.

Zoom Specials!

It’s been a tough pandemic, with everything closed, and the desire to eat a pint of ice cream every day becoming irresistible. With that in mind, I have been teaching Zoom sessions online for anyone who needs a place to do Pilates. It’s been popular, and I am grateful to still be able to provide a service during all this.

Right now, I am offering Zoom sessions at a special price of $50 for 55 minutes, or $30 for 30 minutes. If you’re a regular client, you’re welcome to sign up! If you’re new, please contact me! I am currently requiring that new clients do at least one 55-minute session before going to the shorter one.

If you wish to do Pilates with someone in your household, the price is good for up to two people in the same house. That means even if you have to use two separate cameras, as long as you’re in the same home, I’ll teach you for the same price. If you’re looking to add a third person, or wish to do long-distance with a friend, please let me know, and I will adjust prices accordingly. I’ll do my best to be reasonable.

I you’re looking for a special set-up (large class numerous cameras, etc.), let me know, and I will work up a rate just for you! Just remember you can do Pilates with anyone anywhere in the world!

I’ll be offering this special pricing until it is fully safe to leave the house. After that, I will go up to my regular rate.

Holiday Specials!

It's that time of year! The temperatures drop, the lights start twinkling, the festivities ramp up, and the diet and exercise fall into a ditch.


Don't fall victim to the holiday trap. Let me help you stay on track with some amazing specials!


  • From November 22nd through the 30th, regular students can buy ONE extra private session for $30 when they purchase a 4-pack of sessions. Buy 8 sessions, and get TWO extra sessions for $50.


  • Tired of being dragged down by that one friend who always wants you to skip class for mimosas? Drag that friend to a Pilates duet instead. Beginning November 22nd, and ending January 31, pay $40 for a duet session, and your friend gets theirs for only $5. If your friend buys an intro package before January 31, you'll receive a FREE private session, AND if they buy a 4-pack of private sessions to continue their practice, you'll receive an additional free session. Yes!

  • Discounted and free sessions are non-transferrable/refundable, and non-combinable with existing packages or classes. Purchases have a maximum expiration date of 6 months.

See you on the mat!
-Heather Craig

PS: Please be aware that I have been having some issues with receiving texts. I do respond to all texts I receive. If in doubt, please call or email me!

New booking system!

I have been struggling to work with Acuity (current booking system) in conjunction with Square and its temperamental chip reader since I started my Galveston studio, and I have finally decided to go back to a system that consistently performs. If you’re a current client, you know how annoying it has been, and that’s just on your end.

I’ll be migrating back over to Vagaro by the end of October. This means you’ll now have better access to your account so you can see your remaining package items, you’ll be able to receive limited marketing and urgent emails from me, and you will have access to a phone app that will allow you to see your account AND drop into open duet classes or sign up for events.

Better yet, I’ll have a payment system that doesn’t require numerous steps to complete!

Extra bonus, I can now re-implement my rewards program! Earn free gear or credits towards sessions!

Bear with me as I get through this process, since everyone will need to be re-entered fresh into the system.

The Galveston Wellness Retreat is live!

The retreat has been live for a few weeks and we are getting rave reviews.

Probably has something to do with the view:


We’ve been working overtime trying to get the pool area looking its best for the summer, and even though we have a ways to go, the guests are already enjoying the hot tub!

There are a lot of amenities that make the space better than your average hotel room, since you don’t have to share with 100 other guests!

If you’re interested in staying at the Retreat, you can rent the room HERE.

Need a mini-retreat? Coming very soon!

Need to schedule some time away from the big city to recharge? Well, coming up within the next week, the Wellness Mini-Retreat will be opening up for appointments!  

 Here’s a little sneak peek:


Designed for a quick getaway, the mini-retreat will be perfect for those times when you don’t need the amenities of a full house, but don’t want to stay in a cheap hotel. Housed in my former bed and breakfast 1887 colonial revival with its own back balcony entrance, you’ll have access to the pool and hot tub, and it’s under 12 minutes to walk to the beach . There is a mini-breakfast area, with microwave and fridge, and a huge bathroom with a large shower. The shared laundry room is right outside your door as well.

We are still putting the finishing touches on space, but I’ll keep you posted the second it is available for rent.

Oh, and here’s the important part!

If you package Pilates with your rental, you’ll receive private sessions at a special price. If you are an advanced student or teacher and want access to the studio for your own practice, you can rent the space for a nominal hourly rate.

For a limited time, we will be offering the room at a discounted rate of $80 a night (you know, to make sure we haven’t forgotten anything), If you’re already interested, just call or email the studio, and I’ll point you the right direction for booking!

Schedule Tweaks

I have added in an Open Duet Class on Mondays at 5:30 PM so you have another opportunity to get into the studio. I have also moved the Donation-only Mat to the first Saturday of the month at 11 AM.

I think you’ll enjoy the slightly changed calendar.

New Limited Open Duet Classes!

You begged, I relented!

Thank you for your patience as I worked to get Galveston Pilates & Wellness up and flowing. My initial vision was to make GP&W a safe and welcoming space for anyone to exercise in.

As a purist classical teacher, I am dedicated to teaching the method as one-on-one as possible, since it’s the best way to to learn without distraction.

As I have navigated through the requests of students and prospective students, one thing became clear. You want classes!

Since I’m a one-woman operation, doing regular classes is a hard thing. They end up conflicting with scheduling private sessions, which are critical for students who need special care.

Buuuuut… I wanted to fulfill your request as best as I could. So, I’m introducing an Open Duet Class.

Scheduled for Mondays at Noon, Wednesdays at 11 AM and 6:30 PM, and Friday at Noon, you’ll be able to work alongside another person, while still getting personalized attention, and using all of the studio equipment.

This is perfect for any of you who are looking to save money with a duet, but don’t have a partner!

The price is only $30 for a 55-minute class, and starts Wednesday February 13th, and if it is successful, I’ll considering adding in some other times!

Please note that while this is an open class, the guidelines of students needing to be in generally good health with no major injuries/illnesses applies.

Just head on over to the schedule page to sign up!

Happy Monday!

P.S. Remember Tuesdays is still Donation-only Beginner Mat Class at 5:30!

Need your input!

Are you having a hard time signing up for the Tuesday mat class because it doesn’t suit your schedule? You aren’t alone!

I have had several people want to come but can’t make the 5:30 time. If you’re interested in taking the class, and you can’t make it during that time, leave a comment and tell me what times/days work the best for you. 

Mind you, I don’t do weekend classes, and I am limited on how often I can offer the class, but I will take your suggestions to heart and see if I can make it more feasible for you to join us!


I’m also working on adding in new workshops (not pictured above) to get you moving in ways you haven’t thought of before! 


Happy Tuesday, Y’all!


I was fretting that no one had signed up for my January 5th workshop, and come to find out, I forgot to open it up to you to actually sign up for it! It is definitely user error!

So, I went ahead and opened it up for you if you can get to it in time (if not, just call me), and as an apology, I added another Intro to Movement workshop for the following weekend. Same time, just next weekend!

Sorry about that everyone.

It's the new year! Right?

It will be a new year in a week, the classic “Resolution” starting point that is quickly forgotten by February.

This new year is a special one for me, as it marks my 10-year-anniversary of the Resolution that changed my life. I vowed to get fit, expected to fail, and surpassed my hopes by not only achieving my goal, but becoming a Pilates instructor!

January 1st, 2009

January 1st, 2009



On January 1st, 2009, I posted this brutal photo of my puffy and weak self, really sick of how I felt and looked. Just seeing this photo again for the first time in years makes me remember the trauma I survived being in and out of the hospital. I had little energy, was extremely depressed, and I felt like a prisoner in an alien body.

I started out so ill and unhappy, that I could have never dreamed I would fall in love with Pilates. It was a sustainable path to feeling better about myself and I didn’t even realize I had hit upon the one thing that would truly change my life.

I have heard that catch phrase so many times, and it was always too good to be true. Pilates gently brought me back to life, and before I knew it, I was lifting heavy things and was able to endure manual labor without needing constant breaks.

I didn’t notice for the longest time how much I had changed. But the first time I did a before and after comparison, I was blown away. People started commenting on how I looked, and people stopped asking me when my baby was due (which is so rude).

I was strong!

Nowadays, I can’t imagine ever going back to being that person from 10 years ago.

I don’t know who that person is.

Today, I’m a person who knows my body.

I have better skin even with the breakouts from my allergy to dust, wearing make-up, stress, etc. I have lower anxiety, my clothes fit better, my insomnia has diminished, and I make better food choices.

And those are just the obvious changes.

There are hundreds of smaller changes that would take a long time to list, but suffice it to say, I never want to go back.

So why do you care about me getting better through Pilates?

Because if you are where I was 10 years ago, and you feel like exercise is a gimmick, I’m here to put it into perspective. I am an average human being.

I’ve had pitfalls. I lost, then regained over 30-pounds during the 10 years, due to medication changes, and had to find a reliable way to lose it and keep it off.

I have gotten lazy and not exercised for months at a time. But I always come back.

I’ve even injured myself and spent lots of time in physical therapy.

But the key is, I don’t give up. I see what my future could be, and I want to live as long and actively as possible.

What do you have to lose?

So this New Year’s, in honor of my decade of change, I wanted to offer my help back to the community. I will be having three donation-only Pilates classes. On top of that, I will be offering Tuesday evening donation classes for the foreseeable future.

I believe that everyone should do Pilates, because everyone CAN do Pilates. Even me from ten years ago.

Happy New Year!


We’re open, so sign up!


Small Tuesday 5:30 pm donation beginner mat classes,  an Intro To Movement workshop on December 1st, as well as private sessions and duets with a friend, and that’s just the start! 

Aside from working out the bugs, getting some quality photos for the website, and waiting on some small apparatuses to be delivered, everything is up and operating. 

I’m currently accepting appointments for Pilates consultations, and I’ll be opening up consultations for wellness in the coming weeks. I want my office area to be fully finished so you’re comfortable! 

I also have a bathroom with shower facilities for anyone needing to be clean before heading off on their daily adventure. Just bring your own towel! 


I’m excited to be sharing my personalized style of Pilates and wellness with the people of Galveston, so I hope to see you all very soon! 

Still renovating!


Okay, less renovating, and more “cleaning up”. The floors have been mostly stripped, and I’m in the process of getting another painting quote (the first one was a bit insanely high). 


I’m antsy to get back to work, and my priority has been the studio space, but my office space where I will be doing consults and coaching is also on the menu. It’s small, but adequate for my needs! No more sitting on equipment to consult with potential students! 

I’m still searching for lighting and a couple of comfortable chairs that aren’t crazy expensive, but I am really looking forward to having an all-in-one wellness experience.


I don’t have a true start date, but I’m hoping it won’t be more than a couple of weeks from now!

The studio exists!

It’s been a long road, but the studio (and house!) is mine. I can’t wait to get the floors refinished (no splinters for my students!), the walls painted, and to finish out all the business-end paperwork.

I’m excited to bring a very different type of Pilates studio to the island, with a non-intimidating space that is great for people who don’t want to be on display, have anxiety, don’t want to look inexperienced around their peers, and really just want to feel accomplished.

I don’t have any photos for you yet, but rest-assured, they’re coming!

In the meantime, get ready to be amazed!

I'll be here soon!

The website is bare, and you're all excited about the prospect of a new Pilates studio (and more!), but there's virtually no information to satisfy your curiosity! 

I totally know what you're going through!

Don't worry, I'm working as fast as I can to get things going on my end... including the real estate purchase! In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment here, and let me know you're interested! 

I'll keep you up-to-date on all the happenings here as best I can, and I'll be adding functionality to the website over the coming weeks.